Thursday, December 17, 2009


I don't know a lot about why things happen in this world. I do know that there is an infinite Being who does, but who also doesn't want us to sometimes. Satan, that reprobate serpent that has so much control over the people and things of this world, somehow thinks that by creeping in, and messing with the small things, he is going to make shit hit the fan. And guess what, Satan? We both know that you're good at what you do. And sometimes on this earth, things go terribly, terribly wrong. Un-curable illnesses, fear, terrorism, all things that come from you. But maybe you've forgotten that the body of Christ is a living, breathing, impenetrable sanctuary of hope and life. Your ultimate destruction at the end of this finite existence will be the most glorious and victorious day for the coming of the LORD.

So, for the Matt Chandler's and Carson Leslie's and Apostle Paul's of this world:
I don't understand why Satan has so much power here, but I know that suffering happens in the midst of the glory of the living LORD. May we never cease to praise Him in the midst of suffering and doubt.

1 comment:

  1. I like the thoughts on Satan, the church, and God. Satan can go to hell; boom roasted, because he's already there.

    Anyway, this made me think. Really great.

