Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Princess Sparkle+Captain Oats

Isn't my sister a badass? She took these pictures of me. She took a lot more downtown that night, but these are the 3 we chose for Kyle's anniversary present. They were printed as a series of 3 in this order onto black canvas and it turned out to be pretty sweet. I think he liked it. Thanks for being so good at taking pictures, Ishie.

I like to love someone the way I love Kyle. The first time he told me he loved me I didn't say it back. It was because I didn't yet. But only because I didn't get it. Eventually the formulaic property of how to love becomes very blurry and you discover there really isn't one. I think you just know when you do one day.

The only love formula that makes sense to me is this one:
Multiplying DAYS = Multiplying LOVE

There is always something to learn about love and loving someone else. It's a fun series of discovery.

Woah, Caroline, cheesy post.
Kyle is definitely way more cheesy than me most of the time, though. Like a Seth Cohen kind of cheesy. Go ahead and put the Death Cab record on so we can dance to it in your bedroom, Kyle. (HE LIKES IT). So do I.


  1. loving your post and everything about it!

  2. i found you!!! thanks for being so cool. and my friend.

  3. Princess Sparkle and Captain Oats <3

    Aw, do you watch the OC too? :)
